castor bean plant meaning in Chinese

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[网络] 蓖麻籽植物
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  1. the deadliest plant in the world is the castor bean plant
  2. it is estimated that the protein, ricin, found in the castor bean plant is as much as 6, 000 times more poisonous than cyanide

Related Words


  1. castor (castorite) in Chinese
  2. castor (oil) bean in Chinese
  3. castor - oil plant in Chinese
  4. castor arabia in Chinese
  5. castor bean lectin in Chinese
  6. castor bean plants in Chinese
  7. castor bean, (ricinus communis) l. in Chinese
  8. castor beaver in Chinese
  9. castor canadenses in Chinese
  10. castor canadensis in Chinese
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